Stem Cell Transplant Journal Day 13 – 13 December 2015 (Cancer and Me 54)
If Tuesday was Day Zero, this must be the Day of Zeroes. WCC and neutrophils were 0.0 today, as expected. That means I have no immune system.
There’s nothing much interesting to say really today. I’ve felt so washed out that I haven’t really done anything. I haven’t been able to eat again, but have managed milkshakes and yoghurts, and some jelly and ice cream (none of which tastes very nice, but at least I can get it down my throat!). The dietician will come by tomorrow I reckon, and they’ll tell me what I should be doing.
Heidi was here for the morning, after staying overnight just down the corridor, but I wasn’t much company. We just sat and ‘watched TV’, or rather I lay on my bed in front of the TV while she was watching TV.
After she’d gone, I lay listening to music, then tried to watch a film but got bored (not a very good film), so I turned it off and dozed for half an hour. I then watched two good films, and now it’s time to go to bed!