I’ve Had Cancer and I Am Not Angry With God
First published 15 April 2015 This post is now incorporated with 22 other similar ‘reflections’ in my book, Facing Cancer with Faith. When I first heard about Stephen Fry’s now infamous outburst against God in a recent interview on Irish TV, I admit that I dismissed it as the ranting of a celebrity amateur atheist.…
Does God Punish Nations With Storms?
First published 5 October 2014 In my last post I was thinking about the reaction David Silvester received recently to his open letter accusing UK Prime Minister David Cameron of bringing God’s judgment upon the nation. In the letter he said that, “The Scriptures make it abundantly clear that a Christian nation that abandons its…
Why Is It Offensive To Speak Of God Punishing?
First published 27 September 2014 David Silvester is a local government councillor near Oxford in the UK, until recently representing the UK Independence Party. At the beginning of 2014 he (in)famously said in a letter to the Henley Standard, “Since the passage of the Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act, the nation has been beset by…
The Most Realistic Movie Ever Made
First published 1 April 2014 I found out the other day that an old colleague of mine had died suddenly of a heart attack. She was my age, and had two children the same age as my younger ones. That reminded me that another colleague from the same place died in her twenties a few…
The Risk of Offending People (Whose Rules Rule 12)
First published 2 April 2012 Should we try to avoid offending people? This is the last part of this series and I would be surprised if I haven’t offended anyone by what I’ve been saying over the past few months. As I’ve said throughout the series, talking about morality can be unpopular in a culture…
All May Come! All May be Saved! (Whose Rules Rule 9)
First published 20 February 2012 We learnt last time that the equality of human beings within a Christian worldview involves not only being created as special by God, in His image, but certain other things that are universally true of human beings. As human beings we are universally tainted by sin – we have a…
The Road to Hell is Wide (Whose Rules Rule 8)
First published 30 January 2012 To recap, I’ve been talking for a few months about morality and it’s place in Christian thought. I’ve compared Christian rational foundations with non-religious foundations. Non-religious philosophies, I’ve argued, have no rational basis for morality. They want to say some things are right and some things are wrong. They even…
Reflections on What it Will Be Like Meeting God on Judgment Day
First published 13 March 2011 When we think about dying and meeting God we should be afraid, afraid enough to think how we can prepare for that day. We will all die one day, and when we do we will meet our Maker! An atheist may say they don’t believe they will have any conscious…