Stem Cell Transplant Journal Day 11 – 11 December 2015 (Cancer and Me 52)
I’m only about half way through my hospital stay. And it feels such a long time to go until I get home. And even when I get home I know it’s going to be a long road to full recovery.
I’m definitely starting to feel the strain on my body now. Tummy ache and going to the toilet have been the main problems. I thought it might be the first sign of infection, and they’ve taken samples (poor things) to check. But the doctor told me that it’s actually more likely to be the chemo drugs themselves playing havoc with my digestive system.
Fatigue is also catching up, probably partly because the aches and pains have been preventing me from sleeping as much as I need. And it’s frustratingly difficult to catch more than half an hour kip during the day because there’s always kind people coming in the room to clean, make the bed, change the towels, do the obs, give me pills, change my water jug, make tea/coffee, take my dinner order, bring meals.
And I’ve started to go off my food – those who know me well will be incredulous! But the altered sense of smell and taste makes it difficult to enjoy anything really – even the cheese and ham sandwich I ordered for lunch. I can’t even face a simple cup of coffee, and prefer to stick to water.
My consultant, Dr Davies, came to see me for the first time since being admitted. Last time I saw him was 12 days ago in his office to talk about the plans and sign the consent forms. I can’t speak too highly of him. Not only does he clearly have expertise, but he explains things clearly, directly, confidently and sensitively. He assured me that everything so far has gone according to plan, so it’s just a case of seeing what infections I get over the next 10 days or so and getting me to a point of being able to go home.
Today’s counts are WCC 1.2 (yesterday 3.2) and Neut 1.1 (yesterday 3.1). Platelets and Hb have also fallen. Nearly there.
In terms of what I’ve been doing – I’ve finished reading a book and watched a few episodes of “The Walking Dead”. Nothing earth shattering really.
Finally, especially after last night’s drama with Jacob’s accident, we have been so conscious of the love and care people have for us, and how, as Jacob’s girlfriend put it, “it truly is in the worst of times that the kindness and generosity of people shines its brightest!”
Thank you for following, for caring, helping where possible, praying and encouraging, and just for cheering us on in this trial. When I was saying my goodbyes at work 12 days ago I kind of pictured quite a lonely period, with me in isolation, and with Heidi and the kids struggling on without me at home. But it has not been like that at all, and we have been so blessed through so many different people from all over the place (and indeed all over the world via the internet).
May God bless you all, and I hope that we have chance to pay back and pay forward some of the blessings that we’ve received in the future.
(And by the way, Jacob did score a couple of goals this afternoon to cheer himself up too!)