What is Prayer?

First published 5 May 2010 “Do not be anxious about anything,” says Paul, “but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6) James writes, “Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray.” (James 5:13) If we turn to Matthew 26, when Jesus was “sorrowful and troubled”…

By Andy Burrows 29th July 2015 0

Should the Prognosis Affect Me?

First published 3 March 2010 This post is now incorporated with 22 other similar ‘reflections’ in my book, Facing Cancer with Faith.  I was arguing in the last two posts that statistics should not make us despondent or complacent, because our God is above the statistics and has, in any case, assured His people a…

By Andy Burrows 29th July 2015 0

Hardships Eclipsed by the Glory to Come

First published 25 January 2010 This post is now incorporated with 22 other similar ‘reflections’ in my book, Facing Cancer with Faith.  Last time I wrote I was reflecting on how cancer treatment statistics could affect my approach and attitude to life. I concluded that only faith in Jesus Christ could provide an antidote to…

By Andy Burrows 29th July 2015 0

Where Do I Put my Trust?

First published 17 February 2010 This post is now incorporated with 22 other similar ‘reflections’ in my book, Facing Cancer with Faith.  This is being written while I am still in hospital (although I will publish it some time later), now more than a week after being told about my lymphoma. Sometimes the days are…

By Andy Burrows 29th July 2015 0